Sour Diesel by Citoyen
Published on July 21, 2023 by David Wylie
If Citoyen’s Sour Diesel flower was being judged on a cooking show, it would be eliminated for the common fault of not delivering on expectations.
Sour Diesel is a classic cultivar known for its bombastic gassy lemony stink. Unfortunately, these Quebec-grown buds smell more like sourdough than sour dank.
Not that the 14-gram bag is bad.
While not as advertised, the scent is mellow with a bit of citrus.
It has average bag appeal. There’s a mix of popcorn buds and a nice sized ones. They’re squishy and trimmed well.
This is a budget buy at $65 for a half ounce or $120 for a zip. For its price-point, this bag stands out in its smoke. It burns slow and leaves a light grey ash. The taste is pleasant.
The high comes on quickly and is a nice mix of head and body buzz.
Overall, competition at the this price point is intense. There are better options, especially in the ounce category. The disconnect between the name and the flower packaged inside shows an unpolished product.
By the numbers:
- 14 grams
- $65
- 22.4% THC
- 2.88% terpenes—Lianlool, Alpha-Bisabolo, A-Humulene, D-Limonene, Myccene
- March 8, 2023, packaging date
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