
Super Sativa Oil by EarthWolf Farms

Published on October 20, 2023 by David Wylie

A bottle of EarthWolf Farms Super Sativa Oil Photo: David Wylie/the oz.

Super Sativa Oil is a nice way to lay down a good foundation for those with high tolerances.

The effect takes hours to really onset but will last most of the day. It doesn’t hit as hard as you might expect, but it does creep in and out, ebbing and flowing.

The oil from EarthWolf Farms is a mixture of cannabis extract as well as olive and coconut oils; it tastes natural, like cannabis plant mixed with oil.

The tincture is dripped under the tongue (aka sublingual). It tastes similar to EarthWolf’s Zen oil, with a touch more bitterness.

It has that signature Sativa-like tightness in the sinuses. Overall, it’s a nice feeling, calming and heightened.

Don’t take this too close to your bed time, as it does keep your mind buzzing with activity.

The oil delivers 24.3mg THC per 1ml dose, but it comes with a dropper that gives doses of up to 0.3ml, which equals to 6.7mg per “activation.” While the bottle doesn’t give the total ml amount, it comes on a bottle about the size of 30ml, which would mean a total of 729mg THC per bottle.

As for terpenes, it has a 2.10mg/g, high in Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Bisabolol, and Humulene. It also has 1.4mg/g of CBC and 2.1mg/g of CBG.

It costs about $40 at BC Cannabis Stores. This is a tough product to find at private brick and mortars. The one in my area that carries it has a markup of $15 on top of the BCCS price.

Overall, I liked EarthWolf Farm’ Zen Oil better, but they are both good.