
The big list of things to do when you’re high

Published on March 26, 2021 by oz. staff

Ever wrestle with boredom while baked?

Here’s a humongous list of accessible things to do when you’re high.

(Help us reach 100! Email your additions to [email protected].)

  1.  Snap photos
  2.  Look at things through a microscope
  3.  Take a hike
  4.  Draw and/or colour
  5.  Watch TV
  6.  Watch a movie
  7.  Play video games
  8.  Tidy and organize
  9.  Journal
  10.  Sexy times
  11.  Play a board game
  12.  Finger paint
  13.  Bake cookies
  14.  Listen to music
  15.  Watch music videos
  16.  Dance
  17.  Take shots at a hockey net
  18.  Play an instrument
  19.  Chat with someone
  20.  Browse Reddit
  21.  Jump on a trampoline
  22.  Swim
  23.  Meditate
  24.  Pamper yourself with a facemask
  25.  Listen to a podcast
  26.  Deep breathing
  27.  Sled
  28.  Climb a tree
  29.  Wash dishes
  30.  Read
  31.  Write a newsletter
  32.  Light some candles
  33.  Flip through cookbooks
  34.  Fold laundry
  35.  Garden
  36.  Drink a pot of tea
  37.  Yoga
  38.  Stargaze
  39.  Give/get a massage
  40.  Lay in bed and close your eyes
  41.  Shower or bath
  42.  Play with your pet
  43.  Watch a comedian
  44.  Browse/post social media
  45.  Eat
  46.  Role-playing game (like D&D)
  47.  Fill your mouth with pop rocks
  48.  Wander the mall
  49.  Virtual reality
  50.  Do something naked
  51.  Nerf gun fight
  52.  Play catch
  53.  Do origami
  54.  Check out optical illusions
  55.  Make a playlist
  56.  Sculpt (or just play with some Play-Doh)
  57.  Enjoy a campfire
  58.  Stretch
  59.  Lift weights
  60.  Watch nostalgic cartoons
  61.  Chat with internet strangers
  62.  Play with Lego
  63.  Laser tag
  64.  Work on a puzzle
  65.  Flip through magazines
  66.  Iron clothes
  67.  Crochet/knit
  68.  Try a sensory deprivation tank
  69.  Ride a bike
  70.  Sit by a river/lake/ocean
  71.  Have a picnic
  72.  Sunbathe
  73.  Apply temporary tattoos
  74.  Blow bubbles
  75.  Wander through a library
  76.  Go to a museum
  77.  Give/get a manicure or pedicure
  78.  Kick a soccer ball